Metaverse – Reinventing the wheel

Earlier this week, web3 Studios released their ‘Digital Identities Report‘, sharing a variety of opinions and predictions on the future of identity and social interaction in a ‘metaverse’ environment. There is more than fifteen years worth of fascinating sociological research on virtual worlds and digital identity. You would not know that from reading this report.… Continue reading Metaverse – Reinventing the wheel

Virtual Worlds – a social, not technological, phenomenon

To begin, a quote from Tom Boellstorff, Professor of Anthropology at UC Irvine: The metaverse’s history indicates that social immersion is the metaverse’s foundation. Tom Boellstorff Tom is a bona fide expert in virtual worlds, and I recommend reading the whole article.1 Through his work, he has spent a tremendous amount of time in Second… Continue reading Virtual Worlds – a social, not technological, phenomenon

Metaverse – the hunger for digital industry

What is a metaverse? Is it a metaverse, or the Metaverse? Ask most people these questions and they’ll picture ‘Lawnmower Man’ style scenes of people strapped into virtual reality rigs, flying through digital 3D environments.1 That has very little to do with what a metaverse is. The term metaverse simply applies to the digital mirror… Continue reading Metaverse – the hunger for digital industry

Yuga Labs vs Bungie – finding the Web3 delta

If the endgame for Yuga Labs (creators of the notorious Bored Ape Yacht Club) is essentially a Web3 videogame, and that does appear to be what signs point towards, it seems like an opportunity to examine the closest Web2 equivalent and see what can be learned. Bungie, who were acquired by Sony at a $3.6B valuation in February, seem… Continue reading Yuga Labs vs Bungie – finding the Web3 delta

Web3 – learning from science fiction

You cannot call yourself a futurist if you aren’t also a student of other great futurists. The best of them, in my opinion, are science fiction writers. The inspiration for much of my writing lies in science fiction, and how it connects with innovation today. It is a thread which connects my professional life with… Continue reading Web3 – learning from science fiction